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riaan schutte

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur id lacinia lectus. Fusce imperdiet fermentum dolor, at pharetra enim mattis et. In eu efficitur ipsum. Proin iaculis, magna vel placerat condimentum, enim nisi laoreet odio, ac convallis quam justo auctor sem. Nam volutpat a arcu at placerat. Donec arcu elit, varius id lobortis id, blandit ut purus. Aliquam ultricies iaculis aliquet. Curabitur dictum varius massa at aliquet. In dignissim velit odio, id euismod ipsum venenatis et. Fusce sit amet nisl sed erat hendrerit mattis efficitur et nulla. Nunc in mattis purus.

Integer sed feugiat purus. Vivamus sit amet elementum dolor. Proin sit amet leo nec velit elementum consequat. Duis iaculis diam nec suscipit vulputate. Vestibulum varius nibh in eros iaculis rutrum. Quisque vel nunc in augue pharetra consequat sed ac dui. Nullam magna ipsum, eleifend nec auctor sodales, eleifend at felis.

Nunc vehicula felis justo. Sed mi neque, vulputate et porta ac, rutrum et felis. Nullam lacinia quam nec nisi porta, gravida pulvinar purus tempor. Aliquam enim arcu, posuere sit amet scelerisque id, maximus at ligula. Morbi finibus magna id diam aliquam, nec placerat sem convallis. Nulla facilisi. Fusce orci ante, vehicula nec porttitor sit amet, dignissim at orci. Nam venenatis sed felis ut finibus. Nulla facilisi. Aenean tincidunt turpis vitae bibendum volutpat.

Pellentesque ante lectus, pulvinar ac maximus nec, dictum porta justo. Aliquam congue imperdiet sapien vel aliquet. Suspendisse urna mauris, vulputate vel velit vitae, imperdiet tempor ligula. Sed vitae purus commodo, suscipit ante vitae, scelerisque augue. In sit amet malesuada neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam eu tincidunt dolor, sollicitudin bibendum felis. Fusce eget ipsum sit amet ligula pulvinar laoreet. Nam accumsan massa non ante ornare, a iaculis felis lobortis. Aenean ullamcorper facilisis turpis. Nam mollis id diam at volutpat. Nulla ante velit, viverra non elit a, molestie placerat quam.

Donec leo lacus, hendrerit in convallis auctor, ultrices nec ex. Fusce iaculis mauris lectus, a auctor ante congue eget. Integer sed risus vitae tellus placerat faucibus. Mauris rhoncus facilisis elit vel auctor. Duis vitae nunc quis arcu blandit laoreet quis et felis. Nunc egestas nulla nec nibh volutpat, a mattis lorem lacinia. Fusce nec consequat sapien. Mauris id iaculis ante. Cras leo nulla, pellentesque vel volutpat id, cursus a leo. Nam purus risus, tempor in mauris sed, suscipit volutpat libero. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam elementum tincidunt erat vel mollis. Aenean dignissim ultrices odio mollis sagittis. Proin scelerisque leo vel laoreet ultrices. Pellentesque accumsan placerat quam et volutpat.

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Gold One on COVID-19 Pandemic Response

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Food Parcel Donation to Ekurhuleni Food Bank

Ekurhuleni COVID – 19 foodbank. On the 11th of May 2020 at 13h00, Mr Zhang Yongliang – Gold One Director handed a contribution of R 100 000.00 worth of food package as a donation to the Ekurhuleni Foodbank. The package was receive by Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality’s Executive Mayor – Cllr. Mzwandile Masina who was accompanied by MMC (Member Mayoral Council) for Human Settlement Cllr. Lesiba Mpya.

Also present at the handing over were municipal officials such as Head of Department – Economic Development Mr. Caiphus Chauke and Manager for Local Economic Development Mr. Thokozani Twala.

With a population of 3.6 million inhabitants, Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality has a poverty headcount of 6.6% and the intensity of 44.7%. In view of these numbers, the metropolitan municipality is second from Greater Johannesburg in terms of Covid 19 infection rate – though believed to be concentrated around Kempton Park.

Since the launch of the foodbank on the 14th April 2020, Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municiality has distributed food parcels to 15 000 indigent households and has committed to distribute these food parcels until the declaration of at least level 2 of the lock down with possibilities for review and scaling down. The Municipality is however exploring possibilities of maintaining the food bank (though at a much scaled down capacity) for a foreseeable future to primarily cater for destitute, homeless people etc.

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Gold One Screening and Testing Program

With the mandate of Gold One COVID 19 Command Council:

A team comprises of medical personnel and HR at Gold One Modder East operations has on Saturday, 25 April 2020 embarked on a journey to both Limpopo and Mpumalaga Provinces with the purpose of conducting home screening and testing employees who are expected to return to work.

This programme begun at a time where the President Cyril Ramaphosa on his national address on Thursday 23 April 2020 outlined that some activities will resume as the country will be moving from level 5 of the lockdown on which drastic measures are applied to contain the spread of the virus to level 4 where extreme precautions are put in place to limit the community transmissions while allowing some activities to resume. This activities includes, the mining sector, transport and some businesses including the sale of cigarettes.The mining sector is seen as one of the most economically important in the country as it makes a significant direct contribution to the GDP and the driving force behind the development of the country.

The Modder East operation is expected to resume its operations at a reduced capacity of 50% during the period of the lockdown. The industry is expected to follow the following protective measures as per the Regulations:
• Rigorous Screening and Testing Programs must be implemented
• Mining house must provide quarantine facilities for employees who tested positive for covid 19
• Mine must make arrangements to transport employees from their respective homes to their areas of operations
• while employees from foreign countries especially from the (SADC) region will be expected to return to work at the end of the lockdown.

Although the World Health Organization has commended South Africa for acting swiftly to delay the spread of the virus, citizens are encouraged to adhere to the rules of the lockdown by staying at home, wash hands with water and soap or use an alcohol based sanitizer and maintain social distance.development tools available today.

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